Academic Council

Prof. (Dr.) Kailasa Rao M


School of Planning and Architecture Bhopal

An Academic Council for the CUPCB has been formed to ensure the interdisciplinary research and projects to foster understanding for urban development. It continuously reviews and monitors the progress of the project. 

As per the MoU, SPA Bhopal shall ensure-

1. Undertake at least 2 projects in 2 different cities/ year with clear deliverables.

2. Annual training calendar of ULB officials with curriculum

3. Carry out atleast 1 capacity building program for govt. officials of levels

4. Identify subject-specific training programs, area of expertise for capacity building programs and details relating to capacity building programs to be carried out

5. Undertake drafting of advisories/guidelies/technical manuals/toolkits, etc. with MoHUA

6. Plan for carrying out study & research activities with identification of subjects

7. Select at least one State and undertake one project for urban planning which is major challenge of that State in first year

8. Handhold State/ city planning authority Identify 2 to 3 areas of engagement in consensus with State planning officials and sharing of research activities with them

9. Training calendar of SHGs/ communities regarding urban planning/ design & its benefits

10. Plan for periodic presentation on research & findings with States & MoHUA officials

11. Impact study of various Government of India Scheme/ Programs

12. Any other objective decided upon my MoHUA in large public interest

Dean (Research)

Professor, Department of Conservation


 Department of Urban and Regional Planning


Department of Landscape

Professor, Department of Environmental Planning

Assistant Professor

Department of Transport Planning

Associate Professor

Department of Urban Design

Associate Professor

Department of Landscape

Assistant Professor

Department of Conservation


Department of Design

Associate Professor

Department of Architecture

Team Leader


Department of Conservation

Deputy Team Leader 

Associate Professor

Department of Urban and Regional Planning